Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Taurus, November 7, 2022

Moon transiting Taurus, Monday, November 7th, highlights your relationship with money, personal values, and issues of self worth, as the nearly full moon begins to oppose Mercury, the sun, and Venus in Scorpio. Yesterday’s Aries moon transit, focused on self respect and self discipline, encouraging you to look within yourself to connect with your personal power, but today the materialistic and security minded Taurus moon transit suggests you look at your living conditions, your cash flow, and the basis for your relationships, to better see the correlation between your personal values and self esteem and the condition or your reality and quality of your relationships. If what you see is not what you desire, the solution to that problem may require you to change thoughts and feelings about yourself, and your beliefs about money and manifestation, or to free yourself from situations or people not in alignment with your values. As the pressure of the Full Moon and eclipse builds, it activates the fixed T-square of the Scorpio planets and the South Node, Uranus and the North Node in Taurus, and Saturn in Aquarius. Life changing adjustments are on the way. If you do not make them yourself, someone else might make them for you. The love/hate dynamic is strong today. It is not uncommon to hate a job, but be fearful of losing it, or to realize there is no love left in an unhealthy relationship, but to dread being alone or giving up on the time invested and material assets accrued during the relationship. Most people WANT money, but have negative feelings about it as well. Money that comes with negativity flies out the door faster than it came in. The love/hate paradox in your life can keep you stuck and prevent the manifestation of something better. As you prepare for tomorrow’s Full Moon, look at what you have now, and consider how you brought it into your life.

Thanks for reading!

Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro

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