Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Aries, November 5, 2022

Moon transiting Aries, Saturday, November 5th, brings the detrimental effect of negativity and toxicity to your attention as the moon joins Chiron in Aries, forming a quincunx aspect with Mercury, sun, Venus and the South Node in Scorpio. Although there may be harmful conditions or relationships you are engaged in now that are seemingly not of your making, you may be surprised to discover that you are reaping what you sow as the Universe quickly delivers an outpicturing of your own negative thoughts, while the Scorpio planets form a square with Uranus conjunct the North Node in Taurus and Saturn in Aquarius. A Full Moon and eclipse in Taurus will join Uranus and the North Node in three days, offering you clarity on boundaries and values and the chance to radically change a situation or yourself. Today the moon and Chiron can help you to understand that when you hurt another, you are hurting yourself, or when someone hurts you, they are hurting themselves, or show you where you need to say “no more”. Scorpio, is ruled by Pluto – the planet of power, control, crisis, upheaval, intensity, fear, and transformation. Its domain is the 8th house of the chart wheel, where you chose to merge boundaries and share values and assets, or defend against anyone who threatens the security and sacredness of those things, and it is also the house that rules death. If you were to die tomorrow, and the next place you went to was simply a continuation of your present energy, would you be happy? What burdens, attachments, or soul debts would you be carrying? Jupiter and Neptune, both retrograde in Pisces, bring their best qualities of spiritual enlightenment and forgiveness through a trine to the Scorpio planets and the South Node, enabling you to release, heal, or transform both present and past hurt. Prepare for a Full Moon ritual now by acknowledging that hurt, the part you played in it, and ask yourself what you must do to become free from it, so it is no longer a burden you carry or something you perpetuate in the future. You can’t take your material stuff with you when you die, but odds are the soul stuff goes with you.

Thanks for reading!

Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro

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