Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Capricorn to Aquarius, October 31, 2022
Moon transiting Capricorn to Aquarius, Monday, October 31st, changes the tone of Hallowe’en around lunchtime as the moon shifts from a steady earth sign to an unpredictable air sign, but emotional intensity remains throughout the day as the moon joins Pluto in Capricorn. On the job, the morning can be productive, but the afternoon can bring interruptions or delays, making it a better time for rumination and examination, than action. A spooky and unusual Hallowe’en is possible as the moon and Pluto form a trine aspect to Uranus in Taurus, a sextile aspect to Jupiter conjunct Neptune in Pisces, and a square aspect to Mercury, Venus, and the sun, all together in Scorpio. A trine aspect between Mars retrograde in Gemini and Saturn in Aquarius, and another trine between Mars and Mercury, helps you to be observant and alert, and also suggests that there is safety in numbers if you find yourself in unfamiliar situations or places. The buddy system is best when you venture out to any parties or haunted hayrides, and if you are a parent Trick-or-Treating with children, make the rules to follow clear before you go out, and stick to the areas you recognize, or where you feel safe and comfortable. There is some “stranger danger”, and the illusion and fantasy of the frightening or paranormal can be felt as very real and extreme – even adults will feel safer with a friend. The moon conjunct Pluto indicates you will feel best when you control that fear factor and your surroundings. You can have your own haunted Hallowe’en in the safety and comfort of your home, where the scares are more likely to be on your TV screen than in the street – but don’t go into the basement or attic alone. Real ghosts are avoidant of the noise and crowds today, but you may receive messages from the Other Side through dreams tonight, if you set your intention to do so before going to sleep. The veil between worlds really is thinner on All Hallow’s Eve.
Thanks for reading!
Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro