Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Gemini to Cancer, October 15, 2022

Moon transiting Gemini to Cancer, Saturday, October 15th, presents you with a potpourri of mixed emotions as you feel a nostalgic yearning for the past, or miss people you can’t be with now, while simultaneously feeling anticipation and excitement for discovering new places, participating in new activities, or meeting new people, as a T-square involving the moon shifting from Gemini to Cancer conjunct Mars in Gemini, Mercury in Libra, Neptune retrograde in Pisces conjunct Jupiter retrograde in Aries, as well as a Grand Trine in the air element comprised of the moon conjunct Mars, the sun conjunct Venus in Libra, and Saturn retrograde in Aquarius hold equal sway in the play of energy today. It can be nice to reminisce and share stories of the past with family and friends, but don’t lose the joy of being in the present moment by idolizing past relationships or labeling the past as better times. The experiences you have today, and the relationships you are cultivating now, are your future memories, and someday, today will be a nostalgic story of your past. Mars is a planet of physicality and action, and it takes center stage with the moon as it moves from a sign of communication, community, and travel, to a sign of home, family, nurturing, and emotional sensitivity. Play, travel, explore, connect, and share your interests, your love, and good food with your friends and family. Spend time in nature while Neptune quincunx the sun and Venus, and sextile to Pluto, is increasing your appreciation of everything beautiful. A walk in the woods or near a body of water will alleviate stress and feed your soul – and could turn a casual date into a memorable romantic event. Watch for messages from nature, such as seeing your totem animal repeatedly or in an unusual place.

Thanks for reading!

Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro

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