Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Gemini, October 13, 2022

Moon transiting Gemini, Thursday, October 13th, can turn desires and an over active imagination into a chance to be easily persuaded or manipulated as the moon forms a trine aspect with Mercury in Libra, another trine with Pluto in Capricorn, and a sextile with Jupiter retrograde in Aries, while Jupiter and nearby Neptune in Pisces are activated by a T-square with Mercury in Libra and Mars in Gemini. That T-square can spin rationalizations for immature, impulsive, or self-serving behavior, while a square aspect between the sun conjunct Venus in Libra, and Pluto in Capricorn, leans toward justifying the use of manipulation to achieve desires. Morals, ethics, and rules could be tested or bent due to the influence of today’s challenging aspects, but a bevy of other favorable aspects that support higher ideals, communication, and cooperation can move projects along at a fast pace toward a mutually agreeable outcome, under the right circumstances. How might it be best to navigate a day of shadow and light, where the end isn’t always justified by the means? If you are motivated by your own personal desires and use them as a goal or reward but do not coerce or deceive another so that they join you in your plans, that is fine. If you find yourself feeling naive or skeptical when someone is waxing ecstatic over the benefits of their plan or what they are trying to sell you, slow down, ask questions, and think about who really stands to gain from the association. It may be better and safer to brainstorm new ideas with trusted friends than to share your ideas with people you don’t know well, but would like to be associated with, because of their status or shine. Until enough time passes to see if they walk their talk, keep it casual and noncommittal. A great deal of charm and wit is in the air today, but some people dangling a carrot in front of you may not be pure in their intentions.

Thanks for reading!

Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro

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