Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Aries to Taurus, October 10, 2022

Moon transiting Aries to Taurus, Monday, October 10th, activates assertion, arrogance, aggression, defensiveness, defiance, resistance, and willful stubbornness as the moon forms a T-square with Pluto retrograde in Capricorn and the sun conjunct Venus in Libra. Everyone may be quick to defend their stance – even if they are wrong – because they have invested a lot of time and energy in it, and while the moon is also quincunx to Mercury at the final degree of Virgo – they might worry that changing their stance will affect their reputation or how others view them. Fear of losing face is a powerful force today. But despite any posturing, stand-offs, airing of grievances, or strong expressions of opinion, a mutable T-square involving Mars in Gemini, Mercury in Virgo, and Neptune in Pisces, is busy pulling at loose threads, revealing the cracks in the armor, and whispering “what ifs” in peoples ears. What feels insurmountable or unlikely to change today is already in the process of changing for the better, due to the sun and Libra quincunx to Uranus in Taurus, and Uranus trine to Pluto and sextile to Neptune, but an emotional tunnel vision has people fixated on their differences and problems, rather than their similarities or solutions, which makes it hard to recognize the signs of change. Don’t be too quick to accuse or condemn someone if they fall short of your expectations – they may be undergoing a process of change and transformation internally, but they aren’t quite done yet. Or you may be on the receiving end of harsh criticism as you struggle to improve yourself. Consider that the transits are helping you to develop a thick skin as you toughen up out of necessity. It is actually good that the two T-squares are bringing issues up to the surface and out in the open now because the Grand Trine of Mars in Gemini, the sun and Venus in Libra, and Saturn in Aquarius can be used to unite people harmoniously in a common goal for the future if they can identify what stands in the way of their cooperative progress.

Thanks for reading!

Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro

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