Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Aquarius, October 5, 2022

Moon transiting Aquarius, Wednesday, October 5th, elevates your emotional and intellectual intelligence enabling you to demonstrate your mastery of a skill or knowledge of a subject perfectly, or at a perfect time, as the moon forms a Grand Trine in the air element with the sun in Libra and Mars in Gemini. A second Grand Trine in the earth element involving Mercury in Virgo, Uranus conjunct the North Node in Taurus, and Pluto in Capricorn, which forms the body of a Kite aspect pattern topped off by Neptune in Pisces, indicates that utilizing the perfect timing of today could bring you wealth, power, or fame for the long term when you commit to fulfilling your purpose by sharing your specific talents or knowledge. The perfection and enduring beauty of Michelangelo’s iconic and larger than life David statue came to my mind when I searched for an image that best represents the feel of today’s transits. David is anticipating entering battle, and he has his sight set on a determined victory. Years ago, I read that David was photographed using Kirlian photography, and the resulting image revealed he has an aura, theorized to have been created by the accumulated energy of so many people gazing upon him – although I searched for this information now, and could not find it. I pulled up Michelangelo’s natal chart, and surprise his Mercury is in Aquarius, and he has a Grand Trine and a Kite within his own natal chart, with a sun/Mars in Pisces opposition to Pluto in Virgo in his Kite being overlaid by today’s Kite. You may not be able to create something inanimate which becomes imbued with the essence of life itself, but you can tap into a Michelangelo level of genius, talent, or work ethic today that can accelerate your future success. Something you create or commit to may live on after you leave this earth to benefit society in some way. Heeding a calling, or committing to a relationship, could be the right action to take.

Thanks for reading!

Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro

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