Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Capricorn, October 2, 2022

Moon transiting Capricorn, Sunday, October 2nd, conveys the severe and judgmental side of the cardinal earth sign of Capricorn as the moon forms a cardinal T-square with the sun and Venus in Libra, and Jupiter in Aries. People will be more critical of each other – and themselves – due to the signs involved in the T-square, which could be a good thing if it leads to improvement, but not so good if it blocks any growth at all. A second T-square consisting of Mars in Gemini, Mercury stationing direct in Virgo, and Neptune in Pisces will activate your intuition and discernment as you decide what to say or do next. Before issuing any ultimatums or breaking off any relationships or contracts, review needs and expectations. Yes, a particular relationship or job may feel more like work than fun today, but it is worth considering that the lunar transit and the two T-squares are rather harsh today, but of short duration, and Mercury, although no longer retrograde, is still within a shadow period which some astrologers feel is much like a yellow caution light on a traffic signal. On Tuesday, October 4th, the moon will be transiting Aquarius, forming favorable aspects with the very same planets which are under duress today, and you will either be enjoying the freedom and change that is the result of an ending or ultimatum decided on today, or you may be seeing how good things really were before you tore it all down, as you work on rebuilding those connections. The desire to be right or in control can limit your ability to see where you are wrong and undermining your success.

Thanks for reading!

Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro

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