Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Scorpio, September 1, 2022

Moon transiting Scorpio, Thursday, September 1st, may bring hidden things to light if you yield to suspicion or curiosity and investigate to learn what is behind the feelings and motivations of others – and even yourself – as the moon opposes Uranus conjunct the North Node in Taurus, squares Saturn retrograde in Aquarius, and forms a sextile aspect to the sun in Virgo. If you seek, you certainly will find, as the Virgo sun is trine to Uranus, and Mercury in Libra forms a trine to Mars in Gemini, and a trine to Pluto in Capricorn. These flowing trine aspects can bring you alternative solutions to problems, unusual resources, or unexpected assistance from others, but you must first let go of the “I can do it better myself” attitude presented by Mercury in Libra opposing Jupiter in Aries, as well as the sun in Virgo square to Mars in Gemini, or you will miss the potential benefit of the aspects and stay stuck in frustration, fear, or stress as you attempt to do it all alone. Venus in Leo in a fixed T-square with Saturn retrograde, and Uranus conjunct the North Node, could be stirring up issues of repression, limitation, or abandonment associated with childhood or times your heart was broken or your spirit crushed. You could be feeling like it is taking extra effort to choose to be happy, to pursue your passion, or to express yourself spontaneously and creatively. To be open, vulnerable, and trusting again seems crazy if you are revisiting past breakups or betrayals. The “on guard” mood or distrust activated by today’s Scorpio moon transit could be a good indicator of pain or blockages about to be exposed and understood – dig deeper to achieve catharsis. Neptune is a planet of beauty, healing, and inspiration, and it favorably supports transformation through a sextile to Pluto, change and potential release of karma through a sextile to Uranus and the North Node, and a renewed belief in the power of love through a Yod aspect pattern with Pluto and Venus. Shine your light in the dark places within you, and in the world around you, as the sun is sextile to the moon and trine to Jupiter – it is the most logical, expedient, and beneficial thing to do.

Thanks for reading!

Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro

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