Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Taurus, August 18, 2022

Moon transiting Taurus, Thursday, August 18th, sparks innovative genius and facilitates serendipitous breakthroughs, encounters, or communication which can alter the course of your future as the moon joins Uranus and the North Node in Taurus, and together, they activate a fixed T-square which is working toward change, and a Grand Trine in the earth element which is helping you to achieve success when you keep the faith and aim for a dream, as Neptune at the top of a Kite aspect pattern is being empowered by the Grand Trine. Even greater good is potentially yours if you initiate something creative, or courageously pursue your desire, while the sun in Leo forms a trine aspect to Jupiter in Aries. The sun in a Yod aspect pattern with Pluto in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces, as well as the moon, Uranus, and the North Node exchanging energy with Neptune, Pluto, Saturn, Mercury, and the sun, indicate that you may not realize how significant your ideas or decisions may be now. Naturally, you will only achieve fame, popularity, or great wealth to the degree of your belief in your worthiness to receive, as well as your willingness to accept such greatness, but the ripple effect of your ideas, decisions, and actions of today may be seen in the future through the lives of those you touch. The interconnectedness of everyone and everything is easier to see and understand now, which is both humbling and empowering. Use your new perspective or knowledge wisely. If you have something that will improve life for others, make it a priority to share it.

Thanks for reading!

Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro

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