Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Capricorn to Aquarius, August 10, 2022

Moon transiting Capricorn to Aquarius, Wednesday, August 10th increases the intensity of all your emotions and enlarges the proportions of your dreams, desires, challenges, or fears, as the moon joins Pluto in Capricorn, and together, they form a trine aspect to Mars, Uranus, and the North Node in Taurus, an opposition to Venus in Cancer, and a square aspect to Neptune in Pisces, while the sun in Leo opposes Saturn in Aquarius to complete a fixed T-square with the Taurus planets. As the moon shifts from Capricorn to Aquarius this afternoon, you may also become aware of the emotional build up of the waxing Full Moon, which arrives in the early morning hours of the 12th, when it will join Saturn in Aquarius, making that fixed T-square even more demanding than it is right now. If you know which areas of your natal chart hold Leo, Taurus, and Aquarius energy by sign or by planetary placement, you can get a better idea of what might require action, change, work, or a defense of your stance or values. The extra power from Pluto will make you – and others – driven, passionate, and potentially volatile, so attempt to stay cool but get out of anyone’s way who seems to be on a personal mission to reach a goal. With the moon and Pluto sextile to Neptune, and the moon and Pluto trine to Mars, Uranus, and the North Node, anyone who believes their path or success is divinely ordained will feel unstoppable – and with the moon and Pluto opposing Venus, they will not like anything or anyone standing in their way. Mercury in Virgo trine to the Taurus planets, and Venus trine toNeptune in Pisces, as well as Jupiter in Aries, all enhance zealous thinking – “If I DO the thing, I will succeed.” Well, maybe – but there is as much a chance of danger and loss as there is of luck and success. Don’t test your angels, and make sure the odds are in your favor before you do something huge or crazy.

Thanks for reading!

Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro

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