Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Libra, August 3, 2022

Moon transiting Libra, Wednesday, August 3rd, complicates relationships and creates contradictory feelings in your life today as the moon forms a cardinal T-square with Venus in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn, as well as a trine aspect with Saturn in Aquarius and a quincunx aspect to Mars, Uranus, and the North Node in Taurus. While the moon is transiting an air sign which observes and compares, others can be envious of your apparent success in love or business, or you could become aware of the judgment, envy, or resentment others have toward you. The irony of this is that the sun trine to Jupiter in Aries, and Venus trine to Neptune, both indicate that each individual already has much to be grateful for, as well as ample opportunity to manifest something better for themselves. Unless the comparing leads to positive emulating or mentoring, the competitive nature of both the sun and Mercury in Leo squaring Mars can lead to wasted energy or resources. Both Saturn and Pluto are retrograde now, and as Mercury in the final degree of Leo forms a fixed T-square with Saturn and the Taurus planets, in addition to a quincunx aspect with Pluto, while Venus is opposing Pluto and forming a quincunx to Saturn, you feel the pressure to either change the structure of what already has been, before it is too late, or release the old entirely in favor of the new – with the awareness that either path comes with a unique set of challenges. Neptune in Pisces exchanges favorable energy with Mars, Uranus, the North Node, Venus, and Pluto, indicating that rest, retreat, meditation, prayer, or anything which turns your attention inward will help you to understand the bigger picture, find balance, and intuit your best next step.

Thanks for reading!

Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro

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