Daily Horoscope: New Moon in Leo, July 28, 2022

New Moon in Leo, Thursday, July 28th, brings you the opportunity to explore, and perhaps become empowered by, several Leo archetypes that seek expression in whatever area of life this New Moon activates within your own natal chart, as the moon and the sun in Leo form a trine aspect to Jupiter in Aries, and an opposition to Pluto retrograde in Capricorn. Leo, and its ruling planet, the sun, are associated with the 5th house of the zodiac wheel – a house of creativity, children, romance and dating, recreation and hobbies, gambling, and competitive sports. The fixed fire sign of Leo can be both royal and loyal in attitude and behavior, ready to quest for a cause or protect friends or family – think Super Hero energy. Generosity, charisma, and creative flair are positive Leo attributes, but the tyrant, drama queen, or spoiled child can appear when the Leo shadow side is activated. This New Moon can bring both the light and shadow side of Leo into play. Later this evening, the moon will join Mercury in Leo, bringing a fixed T-square involving Mercury in Leo, Saturn retrograde in Aquarius, and Mars, Uranus, and the North Node in Taurus front and center in your thinking and future planning. Change is truly the only constant, and nearly impossible to avoid at this New Moon. I suspect you will either be accepting greater responsibility if it is time for you to become more mature, or you may be turning back to the forgotten joys and creativity of your childhood if you have been focusing too much on the material world of work, money, and success. Mercury trine to Chiron retrograde in Aries can help you release childhood trauma, or self doubt, so you can integrate and express both the child and the adult within you in a healthy and balanced way. Artists, performers, athletes, and anyone who has – or works – with children could find the next two weeks to be extremely busy and productive. Anyone with planets in the fixed signs of Leo, Taurus, Scorpio, or Aquarius should expect to feel the pressure to make, or respond to, major life changes.

Thanks for reading!

Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro

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