Daily Horoiscope: Moon Transiting Pisces, July 17, 2022

Moon transiting Pisces, Sunday, July 17th, has similar pleasure seeking or romantic overtones to yesterday’s flirty and fantastical Pisces moon transit, but a yearning and a sense of urgency could give you the extra push you need to make your feelings known, as the moon joins Neptune in Pisces, and together, they form a trine aspect to the sun conjunct Mercury in Cancer, a sextile aspect to Pluto in Capricorn, and a square aspect to Venus in Gemini. The retrograde status of Pluto, plus Venus spending the final day in Gemini, as well as Venus trine to Saturn retrograde in Aquarius, and square to Jupiter in Aries, while the sun and Mercury are quincunx to Saturn, and opposing Pluto, all combine forces to bring you to the point of “Nothing ventured – nothing gained”, when it comes to going after someone or something you desire. Past love, unrequited love, dreams that had to be put on hold, all stand a chance of resurrection and renewal today. Uranus conjunct the North Node in Taurus in a sextile aspect with the moon and Neptune, as well as a trine to Pluto, and a square to Saturn, indicates that determination as well as belief can turn a plan for your future from “not likely” to “as I will it, so mote it be”. It is better to explore all paths of possibility until they are exhausted, and you can let go and move on, than to do nothing and live with the regret of not trying. If you don’t try, you may never know, but if you try, and it doesn’t work out, you will know it wasn’t meant to be your path or your person.

Thanks for reading!

Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro

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