Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Taurus, June 24, 2022

Moon transiting Taurus, Friday, June 24th, creates some unease and stress over the inevitability of change and the uncertainty of the future as the moon joins Uranus and the North Node in Taurus. You may feel that you will have a greater sense of control and a higher chance of success if you make a preemptive strike and do something before someone else dictates what you should do, as Venus and Mercury in Gemini form a sextile to Jupiter in Aries, while Venus is trine to Pluto in Capricorn, and square to Saturn, and Mars in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn. Your freedom, having multiple options, and your right to choose from those options are important to you today. Even if you know what you want in advance, you will feel a greater sense of satisfaction with your choice if you are shown the alternatives. If you want anyone to do something that is to your liking without resisting you, try suggesting two or more actions that would please you either way – for example: asking a housemate “Would you like to do the laundry or vacuum?”. The square aspects involving Saturn retrograde and Pluto retrograde can bring suppressed anxiety, stress, worry, and fear (which is contributing to procrastination and delayed success) into your awareness now. The sun in Cancer trine to Saturn, and square to both Neptune in Pisces, and Jupiter in Aries, indicates you could receive valuable insight and guidance through DIY divination tools, or people who are gifted in using them, if you approach with an open mind curious about your potential in the future rather than a skeptical mind that judges the accuracy of a prediction. Even you cannot pre-dict (say in advance) your own future exactly as you wish, but you can pre-tend (act as if in advance) and in-tend (turn something toward you) – and the greater awareness you have of your strengths and weakness, talents and challenges, and possible paths, the more powerful you are.

Thanks for reading!

Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro

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