Daily Horoscope: New Moon in Scorpio, November 4, 2021

New Moon in Scorpio, Thursday, November 4, activates intuitive intelligence and reveals hidden truths which may alter the course of your future as the moon in a perceptive and investigative water sign forms a fixed T-square with serious Saturn in future oriented Aquarius, and change maker Uranus in value and security focused Taurus. Scorpio rules the 8th house of sex, death, taxes, metaphysics and the occult, business partnerships, investments and inheritances, shared assets and values. Taurus, the sign which opposes Scorpio, rules the 2nd house of personal finances, personal values, and self worth. While realistic Saturn puts pressure upon the sun/moon, and Uranus, you may feel it is time to take a long hard look at what is working in your life and what is not when it comes to the merging of boundaries and sharing of assets, as well as issues of trust and integrity. Some people may delve deeper into something more serious, and others may break free of something restrictive or non-productive – but either way – a Yod aspect involving the destiny determining North Node in “this or that” Gemini, Venus in a late degree of the adventurous fire sign of Sagittarius, and Mercury in the final degree of the strategizing and relating air sign of Libra, conveys a sense of a good opportunity slipping away and moving on to someone else, which could cause you to leap before you look. Use the trine between the New Moon and sensitive Neptune in boundaryless Pisces to align with your intuition, or envision a dream, but also use the square aspects between moon/Saturn, and Mercury/Pluto to ask important questions, analyze facts and evidence, and establish boundaries. Securing your own inner power and worthiness is a must before you begin something new, or share your energy or resources.
Thanks for reading! If you would like to know how this New Moon is affecting you personally, you can order a Transits to Natal Chart Quickie Recording by clicking HERE