Daily Horoscope: Moon in Scorpio, October 8, 2021

Moon in Scorpio, Friday, October 8, can reveal what others may be hiding if you watch and listen carefully while the moon in a perceptive water sign opposes unpredictable Uranus in security minded Taurus. Uncomfortable surprises or the breaking of trust are potential events the opposition of the moon and Uranus may trigger, so listen to your instincts while the moon is being supported by a trine to sensitive Neptune in psychic Pisces. Another subtle influence that can either prompt clandestine activity or incline people to keep their secrets closely guarded is the tense square aspect between the sun, Mars, and Mercury retrograde all conjunct in Libra, and Scorpio’s ruling planet – powerful Pluto in Capricorn. You may be critical of yourself today, thinking, “Where have I failed? How have I gotten off course?”, due to the Libra planets opposing self aware Chiron in Aries, and Venus in Sagittarius opposing the North Node in Gemini. Oddly, when I looked at the transits today, I thought, “Returning to the scene of the crime”. If you are carrying guilt or remorse, the moon trine to Neptune can help with making amends or finding forgiveness, but the biggest crime of today would be thinking negatively of yourself. The greatest awareness you will have by returning to any “would’ve, could’ve, should’ve” regrets is that you were doing the best at the time with the knowledge or resources available then, and the sun/Mars/Mercury trine to benevolent Jupiter in future oriented Aquarius can help you choose better relationships, thoughts, and actions now.

Thanks for reading!

Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro

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