Daily Horoscope: New Moon in Libra, October 6, 2021

New Moon in Libra, Wednesday, October 6, activates changes in all kinds of relationships and can lead you to be more physically or telepathically communicative as the tightly joined moon, sun, Mars, and nearby Mercury retrograde – all in Venus ruled perfection seeking Libra – form quincunx aspects to unpredictable and eccentric Uranus in sensual Taurus, and sensitive Neptune in intuitive and romantic Pisces. The observant and designing Libra planets trine to growth oriented Jupiter in future minded Aquarius are amplified in their ability to help you present ideas to others in an intelligent and appealing way. But physically demonstrative Mars interacting with impulsive Uranus in a Venus ruled earth sign cloaks lust at first sight in the image of romantic and idealized love, due to the Libra, Taurus, and Pisces energy, and can also make get rich quick schemes look legitimate or impulse spending on luxury or beauty seem justified. Venus in sexy Scorpio sextile to magnetic Pluto in serious Capricorn can deepen your drive and desire to get what you want in both love and money. Some may be yearning for a perfect soul mate union now, but the trine between Mercury retrograde in Libra and Jupiter in Aquarius is a friends with benefits or noncommittal sex with an ex aspect, which juxtaposes the romance and passion but aligns with the fall into bed fast Mars/Uranus aspect. Tune into the non-verbal signals and trust your intuitive assessment in any relationship, especially in a reconnect or stay or go situation. If you hold out now for something or someone that seems perfect on all levels – emotional, mental, physical, spiritual – you may miss out on some good fun, passionate sex, and liberating love, but if you compromise your own values or settle for less than you desire, you will not be happy with yourself. Decisions made during a Mercury retrograde notoriously turn into, “I’ve changed my mind”, when Mercury turns direct, and words spoken now can be difficult to retract later while Mercury square to Pluto makes them sound final. Ride the sensual and psychic waves for insight, as the Libra scales tip you back and forth.

Thanks for reading! If you would like to know how this New Moon is affecting your own natal chart, you can schedule a phone or Skype call with me at Aloha Astro

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