Daily Horoscope: Moon in Leo, September 4, 2021

Moon in Leo, Saturday, September 4, will be an easier day for those who are free to play like children, than it may be for those who have to act like adults at work, while the moon in a creative fire sign forms a T-square with restrictive Saturn in friendly Aquarius, and unpredictable Uranus in sensual Taurus. Breaking patterns and resisting “shoulds” allows a freer expression of primal energy, which may actually be beneficial to your health and overall well being while the moon forms a supportive trine to Chiron in Aries. Venus in relationship minded Libra square to controlling Pluto in success driven Capricorn can make you take a dislike to anyone pressuring you to do what THEY want, and action oriented Mars in fussy Virgo opposing Neptune in escapist Pisces makes mundane work feel like a personal sacrifice. If you need to convince someone to go along with your plans, supportive aspects from both Venus and Mars to expansive Jupiter in Aquarius hint of adventure, pleasure, and reward to be had in the future, and a trine aspect between the sun in pragmatic Virgo and Uranus in materialistic Taurus suggests you can use bribery to make compliance more appealing. If you apply the coercion of the harsh Mars/Neptune and Venus/Pluto aspects, you can expect a dramatic backlash. Consider that today’s moon transit and aspects are activating the inner child in everyone – the playful and creative child, the irrational and obstructive child, and the frightened or lost child. Recess and snacks doled out between short bursts of work or play will ward off melt downs and keep the good humored side of the Leo moon transit shining like its ruler, the sun.

Thanks for reading!

Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro

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