Daily Horoscope: Moon in Virgo, August 10, 2021

Moon in Virgo, Tuesday, August 10, can bring money for your needs from unexpected sources as the moon in the practical and service oriented earth sign forms a supportive trine to unpredictable Uranus in materially minded Taurus. Another trine between pleasure seeking Venus in Virgo and magnetic Pluto in success seeking Capricorn indicates your desire to get what you want can increase your determination to do whatever it takes to do so, and with realistic Saturn in future oriented Aquarius trine to the destiny determining North Node in mentally creative Gemini, you understand the importance of making conscious decisions that will shape the future to your liking. An opposition between Mercury in Leo and Jupiter in Aquarius could fool you into thinking you are special – and therefore, things should come to you easily, while another opposition between Venus in Virgo and Neptune in Pisces could find you wasting your time on alluring, but impractical dreams. So how can you discern which new or unusual things or people are worth pursuing? Use your eyes to look at the business plan, or the direct action that is taking place. The stories you may hear now could be quite colorful and exciting due to Mercury in dramatic Leo opposing expansive Jupiter in eccentric Aquarius, but they are just stories. Today, constructive action reveals the better plan or person. You can try new things or methods – just work and persist.

Thanks for reading!

I am back in office for consulatations at Aloha Astro

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