Daily Horoscope: Moon in Aries, July 1, 2021

Moon in Aries, Thursday, July 1, sparks new connections that could become romantic as the moon in the cardinal fire sign that says “I am” makes you desire companionship due to a trine aspect to pleasure seeking Venus in playful and passionate Leo, and makes you bold enough to chat up strangers as the moon forms a sextile to communicative Mercury in social butterfly Gemini. Even if you are happily involved in a relationship – or happy that you are not in a relationship – the dominant planetary aspects today can bring you fortunate new acquaintances who may become life long friends, as the moon also forms a sextile to constructive Saturn in future oriented Aquarius. The self assertive fire energy of the moon conjunct Chiron in Aries, and Venus and Mars in dramatic Leo, emboldens you to show off your talents, or pursue anything or anyone that interests you, or you may be the one being courted. Expansive Jupiter in dreamy Pisces forming a quincunx to Venus in regal Leo, the sun in nurturing Cancer forming a quincunx to romantic Neptune in Pisces, Neptune forming a sextile to intense Pluto in determined Capricorn, combine to create the perfect “Your wish is my command” situation. Even if it is stated half in jest, a square between the moon and the sun, and a T-square of Mars, Saturn, and Uranus indicate there is a serious, albeit potentially awkward side to any overly impassioned declarations. Don’t promise more than you can deliver in matters of love or work, and don’t compromise your own values or integrity to gain attention or money.

Thanks for reading!

Dunnea Rae, aka, Dee at Aloha Astro

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