Daily Horoscope: Moon in Scorpio, June 21, 2021

Moon in Scorpio, Monday, June 21, could active strong extremes of emotion for you now as you consider the potential future if you follow the unpredictable path of growth and change, versus the safe – but possibly stagnant – condition of choosing to NOT take opportunities that might change your life for the better. Scorpio is concerned with protection and preservation, disliking the chance of loss so much that the very thing which is feared most inevitably happens. The Scorpio moon forms three significant aspect patterns today: an abundant and magnetic Grand Trine in water with Venus in Cancer and Neptune in Pisces, a fixed T-square of fearful resistance to the work of change and an uncertain financial future involving the moon, Uranus in Taurus, and Saturn in Aquarius, and a Yod comprised of the moon, the North Node in Gemini conjunct Mercury retrograde in Gemini, and Chiron in Aries, that places the control of your fate and destiny entirely in your hands. I can’t tell you what to choose, but I can affirm that when you realize only YOU are responsible for your thoughts and feelings, you will absolutely manifest a visible cause and effect demonstration of positive change.

Thanks for reading!

Your personal astrologer,

Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro

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