Daily Horoscope: Moon in Leo, June 14, 2021
Moon in Leo, Monday, June 14, can activate both change and drama that makes you show your teeth and claws as the moon forms a fixed T-square with serious Saturn in change oriented Aquarius, and unpredictable Uranus in stubborn Taurus. Leo is associated with passion, competition, and conquest, Taurus is pleasure seeking and materially minded – and Aquarius, well, it wants the future to be here now – so people will want what they want in the now moment and they may make their displeasure known if they can’t get want they want. Whether you are on the giving or the receiving end of customer service today, you may hear “yes” more than “no” in your encounters when you use the trine between the outgoing moon and self aware Chiron in Aries and the sextile between the moon and the sun conjunct Mercury in communicative and friendly Gemini to introduce yourself warmly and create a rapport through humor or compliments before presenting a problem or delivering news of unwelcome changes. Venus in gentle Cancer quincunx to Saturn can also be used to sheath the claws if you can make someone understand that you know how they are feeling, even if you can’t give them what they want, or convey to others that your own feelings are justified even if you can’t get what you want. Aim for detachment and validation. For artists, the heightened emotions of the day could enhance creativity and increase work output, but the rest of us may have to burn off the excess energy in other ways, like cranking up the music, cooking up a storm, exercising, or venting on social media – whatever makes you feel better. Keep the energy moving and it may shift blockages in other places.
Thanks for reading!
Dunnea Rae, aka, Dee at Aloha Astro