Daily Horoscope: Moon in Virgo, January 31, 2021

Moon in Virgo, Sunday, January 31, finds you uncertain about your life purpose or direction, and seeking some clarity, as the moon in the mutable earth sign of service oriented and practical Virgo forms a mutable T-square with spiritual Neptune in the mutable water sign of idealistic Pisces, and the destiny determining North Node in the mutable air sign of dualistic Gemini. Mars conjunct Uranus in Taurus square to Saturn in Aquarius could be guilting you into taking action and at least appearing productive, but there is more to be gained by drifting in the imaginative fog today, catching glimpses of probable futures. Does your attention return to a certain place, person, or idea repeatedly? If you meander through the day rather than “should” on yourself, the moon forms a trine between Venus conjunct Pluto in Capricorn and a quincunx to Mercury retrograde in Aquarius this evening, naturally bringing the certainty you seek – so why worry? Just like the guy who weaves in and out traffic cutting people off winds up next to you at the stop light, you won’t get anywhere faster today on a mental, physical, spiritual, or emotional level by resisting the T-square which is slowing traffic. Relax and enjoy the ride, put on some music, and take in the sights.

Thanks for reading!

Your personal astrologer,

Dunnea Rae, aka, Dee at Aloha Astro

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