Daily Horoscope: Moon in Scorpio, January 7, 2021

Moon in Scorpio, Thursday, January 7, brings up issues of trust and increase vigilance as the moon in a perceptive and protective water sign forms a friction producing fixed T-square with Jupiter conjunct Saturn in Aquarius, and Mars conjunct Uranus in Taurus. The eagle is one of the symbols of Scorpio, representing the keen sight and ability to rise above both external challenges and internal negativity. T-squares always present work to be done pertaining to the signs and planets connected through the two squares and the one opposition, so we have work to do individually and collectively to restore trust as we face changes in our personal lives, government, and society. A hopeful and expansive trine between Mars/Uranus and Venus in Sagittarius indicates improvement and team effort are both possible. If you need some time for introversion and retreat to process the troubling attack on the US Capitol yesterday, the moon in a quincunx to Chiron in Aries supports personal care. Neptune in Pisces sextile to the sun in Capricorn eases a return to normalcy, and the moon
sextile to Venus indicates that you may also find emotional support through sharing feelings with your friends. While it is not good to avoid seeing reality for what it is, dwelling on the negative without making positive plans or constructive changes is an emotional trap that will only spiral you downward. Choose to rise higher and be someone better.

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