Daily Horoscope: Moon in Aries, November 26, 2020

Moon in Aries, Thursday, November 26, may find you aware of both the good and the bad in your life as you go into the Thanksgiving holiday. The moon in self focused Aries square to Pluto, Jupiter, and Saturn in Capricorn can make you feel frustrated over any governmental restrictions in place due to health concerns that limit your ability to travel or to gather with loved ones. The moon quincunx to Mercury in Scorpio reminds you of the severity of the consequences of your selfishness if you disregard safety recommendations. Mercury trine to Neptune in Pisces and sextile to the Capricorn planets may be poignant for many as they think of loved ones who are no longer here, but it is also a wonderful energy for sharing the memories of the past. Whether your financial situation is better or worse than it was pre-2020, Venus in Scorpio opposing Uranus in Taurus makes you aware that fortune can change so quickly. If you are blessed to have more than you need, find a way to share. The Aries moon perspective takes nothing for granted and gives thanks for still BEING.

Have a Blessed Thanksgiving,

Dunnea Rae, aka, Dee at Aloha Astro

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