Daily Horoscope: Moon in Gemini, November 3, 2020

Moon in Gemini, Tuesday, November 3, imparts a feeling of fate or destiny as the moon joins the North Node in the mutable air sign of dualistic Gemini, and forms a Yod aspect pattern with the sun in the intense water sign of Scorpio, and Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn in success oriented Capricorn. It is Election Day in the USA, and interestingly, the signs of the transiting sun and moon correspond with that of Biden and Trump, with Biden being a sun sign Scorpio, and Trump, a sun sign Gemini. With Mercury retrograde in Libra and Mars retrograde in Aries both squaring the Capricorn planets, more people may be ready to break up with the current leader than go steady for four more years, but the sun in Scorpio opposing Uranus in Taurus makes this an unusual and unpredictable election. A second Yod involving the moon and North Node, the sun, and Mars retrograde, increases the chances that results will be contested. Venus in relationship minded Libra quincunx to Uranus can bring changes to relationships of all kinds quickly, and in the square dance of life, this transit is equivalent to the Universal caller shouting, “Change partners!” – on a personal or presidential level. You have a voice in the making of history and your future – vote.

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Dunnea Rae, aka, Dee @ Aloha Astro

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