Daily Horoscope: Moon in Aries, October 28, 2020

Moon in Aries, Wednesday, October 28, gives you insight into relationship dynamic, offering an opportunity to break your habitual patterns and unconscious reactions to others, as the moon in the Mars ruled fire sign that says “I am” joins Chiron – associated with healing – forming a quincunx aspect to the sun in Scorpio conjunct Mercury retrograde in relationship oriented Libra. A great deal of tension and potential for conflict is present in multiple challenging aspects through sun/Mercury square Saturn in empirical Capricorn, also opposing unstable Uranus in Taurus, Mars in Aries square to Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn in Capricorn, and moon/Chiron opposing Venus in Libra. It seems easier to fight than to love today, and you may have the urge to prove you are right, but you will feel worse if you argue, and you may increase discord rather than change someone’s mind. Saturn – a planet of responsibility and integrity – receives support from Venus and Neptune, helping you to maintain peace and composure when you choose the high road. If you can’t say something nice or improve a situation, refuse to be drawn in. It’s better to walk away than to stay and add your energy to the negativity.

Thanks for reading! I am available for natal chart and relationship comparsion readings at Aloha Astro.

Your astrologer, Dunnea Rae – aka – Dee

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