Daily Horoscope: Moon in Aquarius, October 23, 2020

Moon in Aquarius, Friday, October 23, sets the scene for completely crazy events, irrational emotional responses, and illogical communication as the moon forms a square to Mercury retrograde and the sun in Scorpio. Both Aquarius and Scorpio are fixed in nature – which basically means stubborn – so if you find yourself drawn into a debate, realize that there may be no end to it as you and the other person refuse to budge. Aquarius is ruled by the planet Uranus, which is associated with change, uniqueness, freedom, and instability. Today, Uranus in Taurus opposes Mercury and the sun and squares the moon to complete a fixed T-square. While Mars in Aries retrograde square to Jupiter, Pluto, and Capricorn, delivers an “in your face” reality check that shows you the seriousness of your challenges, today’s fixed T-square may precipitate an event or create a change in conditions beyond your control, that demands an immediate action on your part. You may not be happy about changes, but changes happen. A fading opposition between Venus in Virgo and Neptune in Pisces brings a bit of sadness and disorientation as you adjust to a the demands of a present reality with little time to look back at the past. If you have been stuck in a rut, break up your daily routine, and if your rut is a dead job or relationship – break up.

Thanks for reading! Need help navigating changes? Book a phone or Skype call with me by clicking HERE!

Your personal astrologer, Dunnea Rae – aka – Dee

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