Daily Horoscope: Moon in Sagittarius, October 19, 2020

Moon in Sagittarius, Monday, October 19, lifts your spirit with optimism and quickens an interest in discovering new people, places, or things as the moon in an adventurous and friendly fire sign forms a trine to Chiron in the trail blazing fire sign of Aries, and a quincunx aspect to Uranus in materially minded earthy Taurus. With Venus in pragmatic Virgo trine to Jupiter/Pluto/Saturn in success oriented Capricorn, quincunx Mars in bold Aries, and opposing Neptune in spiritual Pisces, you are motivated by wanting more of something you don’t have enough of, or don’t yet have, and you are willing to take a risk, go outside of your comfort zone, and even make sacrifices, if that expansive Sagittarius moon leads you to believe the odds are in your favor. There are too many cross currents to mention that can make for rough seas ahead, and there is no guarantee of success, but you will fare better if you involve team mates or choose joint ventures. Be open to working with people or businesses who are not a carbon copy of you. It is your differences that will make a difference when directed toward a bigger goal. The journey is more important than the destination today, and “nothing ventured, nothing gained” is the best attitude to have.

Thanks for reading! We can take a voyage of discovery together when we talk about your natal chart by phone or Skype – click HERE to schedule!

Dunnea Rae, aka Dee, at Aloha Astro

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